Why Do We Shop Where We Do?
Why do we shop where we do, in certain stores no matter what? And why do we go out of our way to avoid shopping in other places, despite convenience?… Read More »Why Do We Shop Where We Do?
Why do we shop where we do, in certain stores no matter what? And why do we go out of our way to avoid shopping in other places, despite convenience?… Read More »Why Do We Shop Where We Do?
A recipe for pork chops with scalloped potatoes in a casserole, how bad could that be? This week’s Cook-Along recipe is adapted from The New Basics Cookbook, by Julee Rosso… Read More »Cook-Along: Recipe for Pork Chops and Scalloped Potatoes Casserole
This week’s cook-along recipe is for duck confit with Brussels sprouts adapted from Bouchon by Thomas Keller. Because of some over enthusiastic shopping on Gilt Groupe in the Accidental Locavore’s… Read More »Cook-Along: Recipe for Duck Confit With Brussels Sprouts
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