Every now and then, a Christmas gift becomes a legend. And while this is almost one of those you-had-to-be there stories, I have faith that, in the spirit of Christmas, you can picture it all happening. So put on your best holiday PJ’s and enjoy the legend of the Waffle Pro 800…
A couple of years ago, during the holidays, my husband, Frank and I were at the theater. He was in a very rare, very foul mood and left at intermission. When I got home there was a big box from Amazon for him. “What did you order from Amazon?”
I handed him the box, which he (still in a super-cranky mood) opened. Suddenly, he was laughing his head off! Still laughing to the point of wheezing, he handed me the box. In it was a waffle iron…not the funniest gift, right? Between chortles he started to tell me the story.
Frank had been invited to our friend Zhu Zhu’s apartment for a midnight waffle party on Christmas Eve. The party was being discussed over lunch for the crew at the Christmas Spectacular. Now, you need to imagine Zhu Zhu (tall, lean) and a few musicians in tuxedos sitting around a table with a couple of brawny, hard-working stagehands and my husband (the innocent bystander). One of the crew members asked Zhu Zhu “what kind of waffle iron do you use?”
“A WafflePro 800.”
“WafflePro 800, it’s the best! Makes perfect waffles every time!”
At this point, Frank (trying to keep a straight face) chimed in “what makes it so good?”
Both of them, very, very seriously “Oh, you can adjust the time and temperature so no matter how you like your waffles, they come out perfectly every time!”
With all in agreement about the superior qualities of the WafflePro, an animated discussion (the kind usually reserved for any and all sporting events) ensued, recipes were bragged about (oops, compared) and favorite waffle toppings hotly debated, while Frank desperately (and unsuccessfully) tried to keep it together. Fantasy waffle leagues anyone?
And that is how Zhu Zhu’s gift of a WafflePro 800 became a Christmas legend.
Have a wonderful holiday!
I don’t see the story of Zhu Zhu and the WafflePro replacing Amahl anytime soon, but it’s a beautiful story, just the same 🙂